Discount Curve Formula




I've just inherited a spreadsheet that is calculating a discount curve
from spot rates and I'm not sure what the formula is doing. I've uploaded
a copy of the spreadsheet to:

I can follow what is being done calculating the discount factors upto the
1 year point but after that they are including the sum of the figures in
the next column. Am I missing something really obvious or is there a
reason why the same formula isn't used for all time periods?

Thanks in advance for any advice.


Sandy Mann

I assume that you have had no replies because most people will not open
spreadsheets in case of harmful code etc. Try explaining you question in
words and I am sure that you will get an answer.


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I assume that you have had no replies because most people will not open
spreadsheets in case of harmful code etc. Try explaining you question in
words and I am sure that you will get an answer.

I should have realised that there might be an issue with people not
wanting to open a spreadsheet. Ok here goes:

In column B (cells 11 to 104) I've got a list of dates (from today out to
40 years time) which initially go in 1 month intervals up to 1 year and
then in 6 monthly intervals after that. Column C has a list of spot rates
for these corresponding dates. Column D has the discount curve where for
example the formula in D12 is: =1/(1+(C12/100)*(B12-$B$11)/365) which
makes sense as it is just working out the discount rate from the spot rate
in C12 and the dates in B11 & B12. This formula is used upto the 1 year
point. From then on it changes which is what I don't understand.

In Cell E20 (corresponding to 6 months) there is the following formula:
=D20*(B20-$B$11)/365 which is then repeated from the 1 year point onwards.
After the 1 year point the discount rate in column D is then calculated
using the following formula:

This is the bit that has lost me. I don't see why the original formula
couldn't be used for all time periods instead of including the sum of the
these values in column E.

Sandy Mann


It seems that you are not having any better luck. Perhaps it is because
people do not understand what it is that the formulas are supposed to be
calculating - I certainly don't - or perhaps it is because your question is
not really a Excel question, perhaps more of an accounting question. A
fuller explanation of what the sheet is supposed to be doing may - or there
again may not - succeed in getting an answer.


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