Disconected from internet after installing MS Anti spyware



I connect to internet through LANS in my institute. After
succesfully installed MS Anti spyware, I was disconnected
from the internet and cannot get connected again. I am
using AVAST for antivirus. When I restart my computer, 4
windows pop out from avast saying it cannot scan popmail,
incoming mail and outgoing mail. Can anybody help?

Andre Da Costa

Some programs install layered service providers (LSPs) on computers to
gather data on your Web browsing and network activity. When you use Windows
AntiSpyware to help remove these programs, it also removes the LSPs. In some
cases Windows AntiSpyware does not properly restore the LSP configuration

If this happens, you may find that your computer is unable to connect to the
Internet or your network. You may also see an error message stating that
Windows cannot start Windows Firewall service or the Internet Connection
Sharing (ICS) service.

To resolve this problem, you need to use Windows to rebuild the LSP
configuration data. The following steps apply if you are running Microsoft
Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2).

To use Windows to rebuild the LSP configuration data

1. Log on to your computer with an account that is part of the
Administrators group.
2. Open a command prompt window. To do this, click Start, click Run, type
cmd, and click OK.

3. At the command prompt, type netsh Winsock reset and press ENTER.
4. When the Winsock reset is finished, The command window shows the
following message:
Successfully reset the Winsock Catalog. You must restart the machine in
order to complete the reset.
If you see this message, restart your machine.

If you are not logged in with an administrator group, you will receive the
following error message:
Unable to reset the Winsock Catalog. Access is denied.
If you receive this message, log off of your computer, and log on with an
account that is part of the Administrators group. Repeat steps 2-4.

5. After you restart your computer, see the KB article at
support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb;en-us;892350 for more information.

In some instances third-party applications can be affected while connecting
to the Internet or network after you follow these steps. If you notice that
third-party applications are not properly accessing the Internet or network,
you should reinstall the application to restore network functionality.

If you are running any other version of Microsoft Windows, see the KB
article at support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb;en-us;892350 for information about
how to resolve this problem.
Extended64 | http://www.extended64.com
Blog | http://www.extended64.com/blogs/andre
FAQ for MS AntiSpy http://www.geocities.com/marfer_mvp/FAQ_MSantispy.htm


Hi there Andre:

Nice piece of technical writing. I'm impressed. You
explained everything very clearly as you usually do,
Thank you. Do I have your permission to use this (free
non-commerical use) with credit going to yourself?

Warm regards,


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