Disclaimer information



I would like to know if there is a way to add a disclaimer to the bottom of
an email with an external destination and the internal email messages have
no disclaimer attached to them. I was wondering if this is something that
can be applied at a user level since we have some users that have custom
disclaimer information (i.e; did telephone numbers). We would like to keep
the disclaimers from internal routed documents. I know that a generic
message can be applied thru an SMTP sink event but then we would loose the
custom information in the disclaimers.
Thanks a bunch

David C. Holley

Can't answer the specifics, but from prior experience working with a
company that has an incredibly paranoid legal team, the mandate came
down that our particular disclaimer was mandated on *ALL* emails
regardless of content, sender or intended receipient(sp). By having the
disclaimers on all emails the idea was to ensure that if something was
sent to someone internally who shouldn't have seen it that they were
clearly advised as such (eg. an email discussing planned layoffs being
inadvertently seen by an hourly employee).

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