Disabling menu options in a Custom Menu



Hello. Is there a way to disable certain menu options in a custom menu?
Depending upon the certain conditions I would like some options to show up
while others don't (grayed out). Is my only option is to have several menus?

OfficeDev18 via AccessMonster.com

Use VBA to set the .Enabled property to No. Of course, you can put this in an
If construct or an IIf() function.


Jeff Conrad

Here is a past post of mine which should help:
What you need to do is "walk-down" the command bars controls collection.

Here is an example:
CommandBars("SwitchboardMenu").Controls("Tools").Controls("Administration").Enabled = False

The menu bar is SwitchboardMenu.
Under the Tools menu on my SwitchboardMenu I am disabling the Administration option.
Jeff Conrad
Access Junkie - MVP

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