Disabled Admin account


Lobsang Mack

XP Pro latest service patches
User is a member of the admin group
he disables the Admin account
user cannot run the User Accounts from the CP
I drop to a command prompt and try to do a net user administrator *.....it
prompts me for a new password but then returns an error

Short of using lighter fluid and a match on the <L>user...how do I manage to
fix this.

Many thanks in return

(e-mail address removed)

replace the .ca with .com to reply

steve umbach

Boot into Safe Mode. The actual built in administrator account will always
be availalbe in Safe Mode assuming the password is known. --- Steve

Lobsang Mack

Worked like a dream...thanx.....I was going to try that earlier but I
figured the the account would still be disabled.....silly of me

Steven L Umbach

Normal user accounts would be but the built in admin account is an
exception. Glad you sorted it out and it never hurts to ask. --- Steve

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