Disable System Restore



Hi All

How can one Disable the System Restore feature automatically?

I would Like to do it During FBA but don't know what to change. I
need to keep System Restore but need a way to switch it on and off



You have probably tried that already but in case you haven't.

How about changing one of these reg.values:

[Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore],"DisableSR"

For the initial state you could tweak these values in the System Restore Core component registry section.


Just to post the solution I used:

Added the following in aditional registry entries

NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore],"DisableSR" 1

This allows system restore to be turned off when the machine is built
and prepared. Once the machine joins the domain and usese group
policies the GP can be uses to turn it back on (or off)

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