Disable or Turn off "Speech Recognition "



I don't use Data for Speech Recognition in WORD. However
whenever I work with WORD and save the doc, the warning
message says all the time; "The data was saved, but data
for speech recognition was lost because there was not
enough space to store it. Be sure to turn off the
microphone and check the available storage space on the

How can I disable the annoying function(maybe useful for
others) within WORD program otherwise do I have to
reinstall or modify the installtion?

I cannot find any option within WORD program and I have
23Gb space on System Drive and 86Gb on the Storage Drive
free to store.



Thank you for the support and sorry for this late response.
With XP installed, I followed the instruction.
Turn Off Speech Recognition
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Regional and Language Options.
3. Click the Languages tab, and then click Details.
4. Under Installed services, click Speech Recognition,
click Remove, and then click OK.
5. Click OK to apply all the changes.
Note You may have to restart your computer.

But I couldn't find the step 4 from the 'Details' for
Speech Recognition. Any idea please? Thank you again.


The Details button is in step 3, not in step 4. Other than that, it works as
described for me. You might have to log on as Administrator.

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