Disable ONLY keyboard software?



I'm after some software or other simple trick that will disable any input by
the keyboard for a short time until some given command.
Yes, I know about pulling the PS2 plug out or locking it in a drawer etc & I
have found several programs or "fixes" that disable both keyboard & mouse.
The computer is being used by three very small kiddies running several
different educational programs that ONLY require the mouse for full
operation of them.
Unfortunately kiddies like to "pound" on keyboards & most times this renders
the program useless & I am continually restarting it.
Some I've looked at are Maddie & Keyboard Lockup but no good for my
Ideas anyone?


Hi BruceM,
I'm after some software or other simple trick that will disable any input by
the keyboard for a short time until some given command.

take a look at http://www.autohotkey.com/. You have to write a short
script, but it should be easy (take a look at the blockinput command in the
documentation). If you have problems to write the script you can post in
the AutoHotkey-forum, there are always people who will help.

should be something like this (untested):
~LButton & MButton::blockinput, on ; press left and middle mouse button to
deactivate keyboard
~RButton & MButton::blockinput, off ; press right and middle mouse button
to activate keyboard

This is the easy way but you'll have to use the mouse to
activate/deactivate the keyboard, because it will block the keyboard
completly. If you want to deactivate the keyboard except the hotkey to
reactivate the keyboard, this will be more tricky.

Or you can let AutoHotkey deactivate the keyboard as long a certain program
is running, and let it reactivate the keyboard when you exit that program.

AutoHotkey is very powerful, so you might want to try it out.




Very greatful, Thankyou.

Denis said:
Hi BruceM,

take a look at http://www.autohotkey.com/. You have to write a short
script, but it should be easy (take a look at the blockinput command in
documentation). If you have problems to write the script you can post in
the AutoHotkey-forum, there are always people who will help.

should be something like this (untested):
~LButton & MButton::blockinput, on ; press left and middle mouse button to
deactivate keyboard
~RButton & MButton::blockinput, off ; press right and middle mouse button
to activate keyboard

This is the easy way but you'll have to use the mouse to
activate/deactivate the keyboard, because it will block the keyboard
completly. If you want to deactivate the keyboard except the hotkey to
reactivate the keyboard, this will be more tricky.

Or you can let AutoHotkey deactivate the keyboard as long a certain
is running, and let it reactivate the keyboard when you exit that program.

AutoHotkey is very powerful, so you might want to try it out.



Sietse Fliege

BruceM said:
I'm after some software or other simple trick that will disable any
input by the keyboard for a short time until some given command.
Yes, I know about pulling the PS2 plug out or locking it in a drawer
etc & I have found several programs or "fixes" that disable both
keyboard & mouse. The computer is being used by three very small
kiddies running several different educational programs that ONLY
require the mouse for full operation of them.
Unfortunately kiddies like to "pound" on keyboards & most times this
renders the program useless & I am continually restarting it.
Some I've looked at are Maddie & Keyboard Lockup but no good for my
Ideas anyone?

You might want to check out Keyboardlocker


On the side menu, click on: other programs

Sietse Fliege

mmmmm, doesn't appear to work on XP?

The program is from 1999, but it does work on my WinXP.
Is it supposed to install?

I think it should work, provided you have extracted the fngkhlib.dll that is
in the zip file to the same folder as the exe file.

Note that the ReadMe says that there are two ways to (un)lock:
+ by pressing the left and right Ctrl key simulatiously
+ by using the icon in the tray

The first method does not work for me, but that is probably because I
already have another program running that processes Ctrl key pressing.

The Tray icon method does work for me.
Note: for me it does work only when I temporarily disable another program
that I have running, which otherwise would intercept a keyboard hook, like
fngkhlib.dll used by Keyboardlocker.

When you run the program, do you see the tray icon at all?


When you run the program, do you see the tray icon at all?
OK, I got it going.
Mine won't work with the ctrl keys either but does with the icon.
Actually I think it did before to be honest but I was using the windows key
to test it.
This'll do nicely. Might see if I can "hide" the icon once they get bigger &
Regards... BruceM

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