Disable menue entries (osk.exe)



Hey everybody,

i have a little problem.

I must disable the [Help]/[About On-Screen Keyboard...] entry in the
Osk.exe or anywhere else.

I must do that because if i click this entry there comes a popup
with a link to MS that opens the Iexplorer (I need IE for other files).

I dont have a Internet Connection but if the Iexplorer opens in
"Usermode" ( we have a shell replacement ) he can open files ( Iexplorer
, [File]/[Open...] )
and if i open a non text or a non Iexplorer associated file
he ask me with which Tool/Programm i want to open that file.
If he open Notepad ( i need for Admin settings ) he can open some very
important .xml files :-(

I saw programes with grayed entries in some menues but i dont know how :-(

Can someone help me ?

Sorry for my english ;-)




Basically, graying out menu items is donw through Win32 API (or initially in resources) but in order to play with it you will need
There is some hacks possible to change the .exe but it would be illigal to change Microsoft binaries anyway.

Some possible workarounds for you follows.
Not knowing your actual device requirements I may only guess, so please choose what's more appropriate for you:

- set up IE browser policies to not allow File Open dialog under user account.
(user) [HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions],"NoFileOpen"=dword:1
(system) [HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions],"NoFileOpen"=dword:1
You may also want to set NoBrowserSaveAs=1.

- remove iexplore.exe from the build (just this file, nothing more)

- you can create a monitoring app that will search for particular windows in the system and disable some of thier window menu
items that you don't want end user to have access to. This is not hard to implement, btw.

- remove commdlg.dll library from the build. This will make sure common system dialogs like File Open/File Save As will never
appear. From Admin mode you can always launch "Notepad <your impotant xml file path>" directly.

- if you use NTFS, set up a security attributes on the impotant files to provide read/write permissons for Admin account only.

- if possible, revert back to use Explorer shell and set up the Explorer policies to hide some drives for particular user

Let us know what you picked up and more technical details on implementation can be provided.


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