Disable a Specific Message Box



A workbook of mine, Workbook1, links to another workbook, Workbook2,
that is stored elsewhere. Whenever I open Workbook1, I always get the
following message box:

This workbook contains links to other data sources
If you update the links, Excel attempts to retrieve the latest data.
If you do not update the links, Excel uses the previous information.
Update Button Don't Update Button Help Button

I don't want this message box to appear when Workbook1 is opened. Is
there a way to disable this message for Workbook1, so that anyone who
uses Workbook1 (or a copy of Workbook1) will not have to respond to the

prompt? Can it be done using excel built-in features? If not, can it be

done using vba code?

Thanks for your time and consideration folks.


Michael Fuller


If you are using office XP then you can alter the way the workbook opens
using the edit links option within Excel. However, this would result in the
link being opened and workbook 1 updating automattically, if this is your
desired result then go with it. Unfortunatly I have not found a way of doing
this within Excel 2000.



Dave Peterson

Saved from a similar question:

You can toggle the setting (user by user, though) via:

Tools|Options|Edit Tab.
There's a checkmark for "ask to update automatic links"

But this means that you suppress the question--the links still get updated.

This setting is for the individual user--and affects all their workbooks.

If you want more control:
Try creating a dummy workbook whose only purpose is to open the original
workbook with links updated:

Kind of like:

Option Explicit
Sub auto_open()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="c:\my documents\excel\book2.xls", UpdateLinks:=1
ThisWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
End Sub

Then you open the dummy workbook and the links will be refreshed.
(read about that UpdateLinks argument in VBA's help.)

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