Disable a Check box



I was wondering if it was possible to disable a check box once another check
box has been selected.

Eg. I have a Walk-in Assissted and Walk-in Self-selected - obviously they
cannot both be selecte and I dont want staff to be able to select both

Allen Browne

You have 2 yes/no fields: one for WalkInAssisted, and another for
WalkInSelfSelected. The user can choose one or the other, but not both?

If so, can I suggest you use *one* field, with a combo to choose which one
it was? That's a really simple solution that avoids the problem. As a bonus,
it makes it really easy to add a 3rd option later (i.e. you just add an item
to the combo, and you don't have to redesign your tables and queries and
forms and reports to add another field.)

Using a lookup list of values (the combo) instead of multiple yes/no fields
is an important database design principle. For more info, see:
Don't use Yes/No fields to store preferences

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