DirectoryInfo - problem with polish characters




I have a problem connected with DirectoryInfo class. My paths contain
polish characters not present in english alphabet. Problem is that
DirectoryInfo class displays them in a very bad way. I have tried to
change project properties/ assembly information / neutral language to
Polish but it didn't help.

I would be grateful for any help.


Vadym Stetsiak

Hello, Piotrekk!

What is the default culture when you use DirectoryInfo?

DirectoryInfo is not displaying anything. It supplies a string containing
folder name.
IMO the problem is with the entity that receives and displays that string.

With best regards, Vadym Stetsiak.

You wrote on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 01:14:02 -0700:

P> Hi

P> I have a problem connected with DirectoryInfo class. My paths contain
P> polish characters not present in english alphabet. Problem is that
P> DirectoryInfo class displays them in a very bad way. I have tried to
P> change project properties/ assembly information / neutral language to
P> Polish but it didn't help.

P> I would be grateful for any help.


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