DirectoryInfo exists and shared 2000 server directories



I try to read a shared directory. This shared directory is on a 2000

When I use DirectoryInfo.Exists, I always have "This directory does
not exist".

If the shared directory is on a Windows XP computer or on a Windows
2000, it works only if I add the same user on all computers.

What do I have to do on Windows 2000 Server if I want to read my
directory from a C# windows service ?
Does it work better from a C# windows application ?

Computer 1 Windows 2000 Server (workgroup): Shared directory
Computer 2 Windows 2000 Server (workgroup): \\SERV2\DIR
Computer 3 (workgroup): The user is SERV3\John
The service is on SERV3. It is started with .\john profil.

Thanks for any advice

David Williams , VB.NET MVP

It sounds like you have a permissions issue. As you have already found
out, the user (which by default for a service is Local System) must have
rights to the directory. The default user for a service does not have
these rights.

You can do one of two things, depending on the security requirements
where this application is running. 1) Start the service with a
different user that does have the rights. This normally will not be
allowed by your IT security manager. 2) Have the service impersonate a
user that has the rights during the code path that needs to check the
existence of the directory. Much more secure, but harder to write.



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