Dijkstra Algorithm



Can somebody please explain and provide pseudocode for the Dijkstra

I'm trying to implement the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm. However, I'm
finding it extremely difficult to understand.

I've a node class that hold the node name, and the x,y coordinate.
I've an edge class the takes two(2) nodes, from and to, and a name for the
I'm using only simple arrays to store the nodes and the edges, no priority

I've also read the pseudocode on:
but find it too mathematical.

Can somebody please provide me with pseudocode and comments/exlanation that
uses simple arrays and programming contructs?

Many thanks


Marc Gravell

How about googling +Dijkstra +c# +"shortest path" - yields a good hit:

(I cannot vouch for the quality of code / math)

However; graph theory is by definition quite math orientated; if you don't
understand the math, I would advise sticking to pre-written code - otherwise
you will struggle to maintain it. Or - go to the library and get a book on
graph theory; some books make it quite easy to follow with visualisations
etc - note that "quite easy" in this context is subjective.


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