Digital Rights Management... Want it OFF!



Hello! I'm trying to make a video for my daughter's 1st birthday using
digital photos and audio (in Movie Maker, obviously). Most songs are easily
imported and I can use them immediately.

Several songs, however, will are NOT able to be imported. When I try, I
receive the following message:
Such and such a song...wma is protected using digital rights management and
cannot be imported.

These are songs that I OWN, that are on my computer. I see absolutely no
reason why I shouldn't be able to import them into WMM -- I'm NOT using them
illegally, trying to copy them, etc.

I KNOW that there's a way to turn off the protection so that I can use these
songs... In fact, I've done it in the past... but now I can't find the
information about how to do so!

Can anyone help??? I really want this video to be special for her birthday!

Many thanks!


PapaJohn... I went to your site... but I couldn't understand it!!
I must really be slow about this...
Any simpler language?!


For emample... How do I save something as a narration file?
Am I even on the right track here??


All right, I've downloaded CDEX and it's all set on my computer.
On your site, you write that, after downloading DCEX...
you can change the extension on your audio track to like a .wav and then
import it.

HOW do I change the extension on my audio track to a .wav?


PapaJohn \(MVP\)

Sorry about that!! One of the things about a newsgroup like this is not
knowing the skill level of any of the posters....

There's two paths:

- burn the audio track to a CD, and then rip it back into your computer with
the copy protection feature turned off.
- play it on your computer, and as it's playing, capture it as a narration
in Movie Maker

My Comments box on the page covers them, but not in detail.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -
MM2 Tips and Tricks:
Online Newsletters:


OK, I'm able to save it as a narration... but I keep moving around in the
background, no matter how quiet I'm trying to be, and the mic picks it up!

So, I'd love to use CDEX... but I can't figure out how.

I don't know how to "import" a song from my computer into the program so I
can convert it...


I feel like such a fool for asking, but...
HOW do I use stereo mix? Is it an option in WMM or somewhere else?

PapaJohn \(MVP\)

In MM2, use Tools > Narrate Timeline > expand to 'Show More Options' if
needed > Audio Input Source - change it to 'Stereo Mixer' or 'Digital' or

What it's called varies by the system.... and the feature isn't included
with all sound cards..... if it works for you, then anything you hear from
the computer will go into the narration file as it's being played. I usually
use iTunes or WMP to play something, and MM2 to do the capture.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -
MM2 Tips and Tricks:
Online Newsletters:

Richard Crowley

"MissEmtoo" wrote ...
These are songs that I OWN, that are on my computer.
I see absolutely no reason why I shouldn't be able to
import them into WMM -- I'm NOT using them
illegally, trying to copy them, etc.

That actually that is not the law in the USA. You don't "own"
those songs, you purchased a copy of them, and that purchase
did not give you the right to use them in a video unless you
also purchased a "synchronization" license. Putting them
into a video is easily within the definiton of "copying".

Making a video for use within your immediate family is
unlikely to get you into trouble with the copyright owners,
but it is still technically illegal.

If you don't like that, tell your congressional reps who make
these laws. If we don't complain, Disney, will prevail
on our federal government to reduce the rights of consumers
to nothing. DRM is Microsoft's way of attempting to enforce
current federal copyright law.

If you live in Canada or Austrailia or several other places,
it is easy to get "sync rights" to include copyright protected
music in your videos. But it is prohibitively expensive in the
USA as current laws are written.

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