Difficult Fomula



I am trying to keep a running total of weights of material, sorted by
material type on a seperate worksheet (reports worksheet). I have created a
table of material types and would like to keep a running monthly total for
each material type. Here is my example.

In a worksheet (revenue) my material type is listed as below
C6:C1129 =gravel
I have 20 different types of material with corresponding weights listed in
I6:I1129 in the same worksheet.

I then have material types listed in rows in a summary table in a seperate
worksheet (reports), with the months of the year in columns.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


if your type are on revenue!c column and weights on revenue! I column then
on your reports sheet....
you said rows so assuming 1 row and gravel = A1
this would sum all the weights for gravel.
you would need a formula for each type and if summing by month, for each
month. the month need not be referenced in the formula, just put in the month


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