Differences between Access 2K and Access 2003


Jim Gainsley

We are considering upgrading Access 2k to 2003.

In the past MS has changed the way some functions operate from release to
release. It's difficult to be specific, but we would like to know any
changes that have been made to the way that any of the Access functions
behave between the two versions. Perhaps there's a document detailing these
that you could point me to.


Allen Browne

You should have no difficulty moving from A2000 to A2003.

Both use exactly the same data engine (JET 4.0), and by default A2003 uses
the same file format as A2000.

Anything that worked in A2000 works the same way in A2003. It has
essentially the same functionality, right down to the same bugs. (Of course
the reverse is not true, i.e. the new stuff added to A2003 does not work in

There are a couple of new things you must adapt to, such as configuring
A2003 so you do not get multiple dialogs trying to convince you not to open
your database every time you attempt to do so.

There are also some new bugs to get used to. For example, in A2003, and you
have a subform that is based on a query, and the subform does not contain a
control for the field named in LinkChildFields, you can find A2003
constantly crashing (shut down by Windows.)

There are some also some display differences related to themed controls,
including bugs like this:

Jim Gainsley

Thanks very much, that's very helpful. Any fixes for the bugs, and do you
mean to say that 2003 crashes with great regularity?


Allen Browne

No. A2003 is much more stable than A2000 was when it was first released. It
is possible to configure A2003 so it is arguably the most stable version
ever (at least since version 2.)

So, if it starts crashing regularly where A2000 did not, this particular
issue is a suspect.

Pieter Wijnen

I have only wanted to work seriously with Access 2.0, '97 & 2003.
'95 was probably the worst (discounting the pre-beta release dubbed 1.0)


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