Difference Between MVP and MVC Patterns


Jeff S

What are the basic and/or obvious differences between the Model View
Presenter pattern and the Model View Controller pattern.


Jeff S

That article does a great job of defining and illustrating MVP, but I didn't
see where it answers my question - which is; what is the basic and/or
obvious differences between the Model View Presenter pattern and the Model
View Controller pattern? If it does, then it went over my head.

Can someone say it in plain English?


Joanna Carter [TeamB]

"Michael Nemtsev" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de (e-mail address removed)...

| here with samples
| JS> What are the basic and/or obvious differences between the Model View
| JS> Presenter pattern and the Model View Controller pattern.

Sorry Michael, but this is not a very good example of MVP. I have been
working with this pattern and have written several articles which are on my
web site www.carterconsulting.org.uk. Also you can see the "definitive" MVP
document at ftp://www6.software.ibm.com/software/developer/library/mvp.pdf

The essential differences include the addition of the Selection and Command
Set classes to the Model and the Interactor to the Presenter.


Joanna Carter [TeamB]

"Jeff S" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de (e-mail address removed)...

| That article does a great job of defining and illustrating MVP, but I
| see where it answers my question - which is; what is the basic and/or
| obvious differences between the Model View Presenter pattern and the Model
| View Controller pattern? If it does, then it went over my head.
| Can someone say it in plain English?

That article is *not* a good example of MVP, see my other post for links to
the "official" definition by the inventors.


Michael Nemtsev

Nice link, thanks Joanna

J> | That article does a great job of defining and illustrating MVP, but
J> I
J> didn't
J> | see where it answers my question - which is; what is the basic
J> and/or
J> | obvious differences between the Model View Presenter pattern and
J> the Model
J> | View Controller pattern? If it does, then it went over my head.
J> |
J> | Can someone say it in plain English?
J> That article is *not* a good example of MVP, see my other post for
J> links to the "official" definition by the inventors.

Michael Nemtsev :: blog: http://spaces.msn.com/laflour

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsche

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