Did You Know?



Did you know doesn't update. At first 1st was stuck on Dec 19, so I followed
all steps (except one) from http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/top10faqs.htm/Why
doesn't Help and Support work? The message now tells me I have no internet
connection - though all other links in Help & Support still work. The one
suggestion I can't follow, is repairing with XP CD. I have an oem system
using ghost for restore and have SP2 installed. I have seen many conflicting
procedures for this. Do I uninstall SP2, then run a repair with the OEM


Do NOT uninstall for this simple issue! It is common, many have it (me
included), and there is no CLEAR solution at this time.

First off, if you do a search in H&S, do you get hits in the Knowledge
Base section? (search for net bios - you should get about 3 KB hits). If
you get 0 KB hits then you do have a problem (tho minor), if you get the
KB hits but Did You Know still does not update then you have "the mystery

No KB hits: usually this is the result of GetRight - in GR's options,
UNCHECK "IE6 Click Monitor". KB should work again.


RE: Did You Know not updating:

The issue SEEMS to be that the xml file(s) that are fetched from the MS
site are "filtered" by something, so H&S gets empty files (from the IE
cache) and simply re-displays the last screen it built cleanly (in
directory windows/pchealth/config/cache). If that file is deleted from
the H&S cache then it says "when you are connected to the internet this
area will update and display...". Of course, you are connected.

I have worked this problem for DAYS, and stumbled upon this possible cure.
I believe it is related to Zone Alarm; this issue began for
me when I updated from, around 3 DEC 04. Try this:

In ZA's Program Control screen, revert the 4 columes for BOTH "Microsoft
Help and Support Center" and "Microsoft Help Center Hosting Server" to
"Ask" (4 blue question marks). Then active Help & Support (click desktop,
press F1); ZA should pop up asking if you want to allow access - click the
Allow button (quickly! or just hit enter). Did You Know should update (it
did for me - I was VERY SURPRISED).

Note that simply shutting down ZA and forcing H&S to update (clicking
Home) DID NOT bring Did You Know back. So I _THINK_ it is not something
that ZA is _actively_ doing, but some DLL it has installed that is doing
the xml filtering even when ZA is shutdown.

This issue MAY also be related in some way the My Computer Zone in IE's
security-tab properties screen. [To see this zone you need to do a
regedit patch]. I have reverted it to "default", to no avail.

I really don't know for sure, but the above worked for me.

I do wish this issue was resolved tho, anyone else w/ info please chime

I have found MANY posts/site with this complaint, but no resolution.

Good Luck.


I wasn't planning on a repair for this - the system has no other problems. I
would like to know, however, what the procedure would be.

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