Dialup networking and modem problems...



I've been asked to fix a dialup problem on a computer.

Dell desktop of some kind (sorry)
Windows ME (no Windows Updates *ever*)
Norton AntiVirus 2004 (installed AFTER the problems started Saturday)
Lucent Win Modem (model unknown)

Specifically, the problems are these:
1) Dialup fails with "error 633", saying it can't find the modem

2) Norton AntiVirus AutoProtect will not start. Error is "tapisrv.exe has
caused an error...". You can start the interface, but can't click on the
Enable button without getting the error

3) Whenever you open NAV and try to start AutoProtect, it also attempts to
start the dialup connection to the Internet

4) Cannot make a New Connection in DUN because the modem cannot be found

5) Modem *is* present and responds correctly to Diagnostics in the Modem
Control Panel

6) Modem can also be accessed directly through its COM port in
HyperTerminal. ati commands return correct data. Did not try atdt,

7) All OE dbx and wab files were overwritten with new ones

8) CPU usage goes to 100% after dialup attempted

Additionally, there are:
No suspicious entries in Registry under the Run keys
No new DLLs or other suspicious files that I can find
No odd Tasks listed in Task Manager

I am many miles way from this machine at the moment. At this point I cannot
tell whether it's a virus, corrupted Dialup Networking or something else.

Any guidance here for when I do get a chance to work on the computer?
Googling brings up nothing good.


Why mess around? Reformat the hard drive and reinstall the op system.

You sound like many of the tech support people I`ve talked to, no matter what
the problem:>)
Regards Buddy B


Why mess around? Reformat the hard drive and reinstall the op system.

Since somebody deleted my cross-posting (even though I politely set a
followup to microsoft.public.windowsme.general), you missed the meat of
this thread.

I managed to fix the problem.

Go to microsoft.public.windowsme.general to see how.

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