Dialer anomaly



When I user phone dialer under Vista, and dial a number such as
1-800-123-4567, dialer dials 1-8-123-4567. Similarly, 1-888-123-4567 becomes
1-8-123-4567. Has anyone experienced this?



Whoa, I've not used dialup with Vista, but that just doesn't seem
right. Check your settings and make sure that the program is not
using some kind of expression checking to allow dial strings. That
is the only thing I can think of..

Mr. Jon Pope


GMorris said:
Whoa, I've not used dialup with Vista, but that just doesn't seem
right. Check your settings and make sure that the program is not
using some kind of expression checking to allow dial strings. That
is the only thing I can think of..


Try it.


GMorris said:
Whoa, I've not used dialup with Vista, but that just doesn't seem
right. Check your settings and make sure that the program is not
using some kind of expression checking to allow dial strings. That
is the only thing I can think of..


I'm not talking about dialup. I'm talking about dialer which is used to dial
phone numbers for voice communication on a phone, not computer connection to
the Internet.


John Barnett MVP

This anomaly has been reported to me before. I've been in contact with
Microsoft and they were due to get back to me once they located someone who
new about the dialer program. It has been some months since I contacted them
and they haven't got back to me, so I assume no one knows how to circumvent
the problem.

I will have to contact them again to jog their memory.


John Barnett MVP
Windows XP Associate Expert
Windows Desktop Experience

Web: http://www.winuser.co.uk
Web: http://www.silversurfer-guide.com
Web: http://vistasupport.mvps.org
Web: http://xphelpandsupport.mvps.org

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