Determining the Median in an Access Field


B Hand

How do I calculate the median for a field in a query?
I'm trying to determine the median in a range of numbers
but I can't find any method - EXAMPLE: AVG determines the
average and SUM determines the sum of a range of numbers.
What do I use to determine the median?


Michel Walsh


There is none predefined, you can use VBA to define your own.

Public Function Median(TableName As String, FieldName As String, Optional
Condition As String = vbNullString)

Dim str As String ' the SQL statement to fill the recordset
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset ' firehose recordset to get the data, in order
Dim n As Long ' number of records in the recordset
Dim x As Variant ' intermediate result

Dim db As Database : Set db=CurrentDb

str = " FROM " & TableName

If vbNullString = Condition Then
str = str & " WHERE " & Condition
End If

Set rst = Db.OpenRecordset("SELECT " & FieldName & str & _
" ORDER BY " & FieldName, dbOpenForwardOnly,

n = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT COUNT(*)" & str).Fields(0).Value

rst.Move n \ 2 ' move at 1/2 (round down) the way
x = rst.Fields(0).Value

rst.Move n Mod 2 ' stay (move 0) or MoveNext (move 1)
Median = 0.5 * (x + rst.Fields(0).Value)


End Function


Median( "myTableName", "FieldToFindTheMedian")

Since the function takes into acount the presence of NULL, by default, you
may wish to remove them:

Median( "myTableName", "FieldToFindTheMedian", "NOT
FieldToFindTheMedian IS NULL" )

You can also incorporate a "group" condition:

Median( "myTableName", "FieldToFindTheMedian", "GroupingField= "
& GroupingField )

to take the median only from the records belonging to the suppplied grouping
value (data type is numerical, in this example)

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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