Determining the age of an individual



If I have a column with the date of births of a group of individuals how can
I determine their age (in the adjacent column) at their next birthday or as
of 1/1/2005?

Arvi Laanemets


=DATEDIF(StartDate,EndDate,"Y") does return the number of full years between
2 dates.
=DATEDIF(StartDate,EndDate,"YM") does return the number of full months over
full years.
=DATEDIF(StartDate,EndDate,"MD") does return the number of days over full

Combined formula:
& " year" & IF(DATEDIF(StartDate,EndDate,"Y")=1,"s","")) &
IF(DATEDIF(StartDate,EndDate,"YM")=0,"", " " &
DATEDIF(StartDate,EndDate,"YM") & " month" &
IF(DATEDIF(StartDate,EndDate,"YM")=1,"s","")) &
IF(DATEDIF(StartDate,EndDate,"MD")=0,"", " " &
DATEDIF(StartDate,EndDate,"MD") & " day" &

StartDate will be the reference to cell with birth date in it, EndDate
either a function TODAY(), or DATE(2005,1,1)

Arvi Laanemets

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