Determine number of rows in Repeater?


Mike Cain

I'm filling a Repeater control based on a SELECT statement. If the SELECT
statement returns 0 rows, then I want to hide the entire Repeater control.
Currently I'm doing this:

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM whatever where whatever",

myRepeater1.DataSource =

So what I'm looking for is now to do this:

if (something == true)

myRepeater1.visible = false;

However I cannot figure ouw what the "something" is above in the IF
statement. What could I use there to either determine that the SQL SELECT
statement returned 0 rows or that the Repeater contained no nows so that I
can dynamically hide the entire repeater includng its header and footer?


Mark Rae

SqlDataReader objDataReader =
if (!objDataReader.HasRows)
myRepeater1.Visible = false;
myRepeater1.DataSource = objDataReader;

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