Determine if template file is dirty



Using Office 2003 and Windows XP;

I have an unsaved copy of a template file opened in memory; now I want to
control how the user exits. How can I determine if the file is dirty?

Note that I cannot use "If ThisWorkbook.Saved = True" because template
copies are never saved when they are first opened; what I need to know is
whether the user has made any changes;

Is there a neat and tidy command that will do this without having to code
checks against 30 controls looking for a change? Please answer, "Why yes
there is..." and then post example VBA. You help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your assistance.

JE McGimpsey

One way:

You can put this in the template's ThisWorkbook code module...

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Me.Saved = True
End Sub

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