Detecting a page refresh on a GridView RowCommand



Hi All. ASP.Net 2.0

The scenario:
I have a gridview with a template column with a custom rowcommand
image button.

In short, the rowcommand fires some code behind which inserts a
row into a SQL table with some unique values, then does a
RegisterStartupScript which does a The page in the logs a user in using the unique values that were saved
in the SQL table and which were passed to the page in the

So in effect, this allows an Admin to log in as a user for this
particular site without knowing their credentials. Technically I
could just open a hyperlink, but this wouldn't be secure as the
URL could be copied. With my method, once the page in the page logs the user in, those unique values are deleted
from SQL, so even if a user could copy the URL, it won't
automatically log the user in.

The Problem:
All of this works fine, except when the page with the gridview is
refreshed after the rowcommand takes place, or if a user navigates
away from that page and goes back. At that point, the rowcommand
is called again, thus opening another new window.

What I need:
So what I need to do is to be able to tell if the RowCommand was a
refresh, or if it was the original click.

Any way to tell? TIA.

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