Detect which button was clicked?



If you have multiple buttons on a web form, how can you detect which control was clicked in the Page_Load event

Thanks, Dave

Kevin Spencer

You can detect which control was clicked by writing an event handler for it.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Dave said:
If you have multiple buttons on a web form, how can you detect which
control was clicked in the Page_Load event?


I don't think there's a way ASP.NET tells which button was clicked in the Page_Load. Although I've seen people mention a server variable?? EVENT_TARGET?? or something to that effect that supposed to tell you which button click is being processed. But the only way I've been able to do it is thru setting a hidden variable on the client that I set using javascript when the server side button is clicked. Then it just like old asp where you access the hidden text using Request.Form["myhiddentextid"]

Why do you want to do this anyway
ASP.NET does allow you to designate and handle events for server side buttons individually


----- Dave wrote: ----

If you have multiple buttons on a web form, how can you detect which control was clicked in the Page_Load event

Thanks, Dave



This is what I was referring to when I sai
Why do you want to do this anyway
ASP.NET does allow you to designate and handle events for server side buttons individually

I may have misunderstood you when you said
If you have multiple buttons on a web form, how can you detect which control was clicked in the Page_Load event

There isn't way to do this in the Page_Load event. The button click is a seperate event and has to be handled outside of the Page_Load event


----- Dave wrote: ----

Thanks, I think you can. This is what I found in regards to Kevin's response

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