Desperation has set in...



I have searched everywhere for a solution to no
avail..the problem is this.

I click start/run/browse...application error and it
closes. Event viewer shows error in comdlg32.dll.

I am in any application other than MSOffice, I click
file/open/browse..application error and it closes. Same

I click start/run/notepad...application error, same as

I try to print from within IE6, application error and it
closes, same as above.

I can copy anything from a web page into MSOffice and it
prints fine, I can browse files problem.

If I try to browse any file other than going into My
Computer and following the tree up and down I get an
error and the application closes. This isn't limited to
the windows applets but also browsing for files in 3rd
party applications as well.

This morning I ran sfc /scannow and see if any critical
files need to be replaced. It ran but gave me no messages
when it finished. I assumed that all critical files where
intact or did I miss something?

All patches and updates are current and Norton finds
nothing irregular. This has been going on for months now.
I have found work arounds for most everything, but I have
3rd party software that requires me to load from several
directories and each time I try to browse and switch, it
errors out.

/sigh...I'm desperate but don't want to reinstall XP!


Ya, use System Restore and go back to a date that you recall everything was


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