Desktop On Its Side



I dont know whats going on. My desktop is all of a sudden on its side
its like the monitor has been turned on its side the bottom bar which
includes the start icon my quick launch icons and the clock and task
bar are going along the right side of the screen..and the icons on my
desktop are all on its side..My son just downloaded a game a started
playing it..I played it for awhile then when I escaped out of the
game..All heck broke lose and my desktop was turned on its side..Does
anybody have any suggestions has to why this is like this..In Safe mode

its fine thats why I can type this now..Virus or something?


I dont know whats going on. My desktop is all of a sudden on its side
its like the monitor has been turned on its side the bottom bar which
includes the start icon my quick launch icons and the clock and task
bar are going along the right side of the screen..and the icons on my
desktop are all on its side..My son just downloaded a game a started
playing it..I played it for awhile then when I escaped out of the
game..All heck broke lose and my desktop was turned on its side..Does
anybody have any suggestions has to why this is like this..In Safe mode

its fine thats why I can type this now..Virus or something?

It's probably a setting in the display driver. ATI displays can be
rotated in software and Nvidia's probably can too.

John Rampling

don't panic. just drag the taskbar back to the usual place on the screen.



Its not just the taskbar man all my icons are on the side too..I've had
it where the taskbar has been on its side and icons were where they
were supposed to be and all i did was drag the bar over...this isnt the
same thing

B. R. 'BeAr' Ederson

I dont know whats going on. My desktop is all of a sudden on its side
its like the monitor has been turned on its side the bottom bar which
includes the start icon my quick launch icons and the clock and task
bar are going along the right side of the screen..and the icons on my
desktop are all on its side..

Wrong group and insufficient information. You should have asked in a
group related to the game (which?) or to the OS (which?) or to Intel
graphics adapters (which?). Nevertheless: I've heard about screen
rotation hotkeys on Intel graphics: Try Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right.

If not successful you may check display driver settings like suggested
by jb. First within Safe Mode. If no suitable switch is visible in
Safe Mode, then try Normal boot. If that's not possible: switch to
standard VGA or SVGA driver and remove the other driver if it has an
uninstall routine. Restart and Re-Install the driver.

If nothing helps, ask inside one of the above mentioned groups.


Vic Dura

Are you by any chance lying on your desk looking at the monitor? That
would cause it to appear to be on it's side.

Frank Bohan

Just another suggestion. I have a Samsung SynchMaster monitor which puts an
icon in the system tray (red ATI). Right clicking this produces a menu which
includes rotating the display by 90 or 180 degrees. You may have something


Frank Bohan
¶ Would you prefer to be looked over or overlooked?


you could turn your monitor on its side

B. R. 'BeAr' Ederson said:
Wrong group and insufficient information. You should have asked in a
group related to the game (which?) or to the OS (which?) or to Intel
graphics adapters (which?). Nevertheless: I've heard about screen
rotation hotkeys on Intel graphics: Try Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right.

If not successful you may check display driver settings like suggested
by jb. First within Safe Mode. If no suitable switch is visible in
Safe Mode, then try Normal boot. If that's not possible: switch to
standard VGA or SVGA driver and remove the other driver if it has an
uninstall routine. Restart and Re-Install the driver.

If nothing helps, ask inside one of the above mentioned groups.

= What do you mean with: "Perfection is always an illusion"?



It sounds like a feature of the particular graphics card you have in
machine. Try looking in 'Control panel' and searching for the associated
application. There should be a settings option where there may be a screen
rotation feature.


B. R. 'BeAr' Ederson

On Sun, 1 Jan 2006 17:15:14 -0000, Bob wrote:

[A suggestion]
You and seymour answered a question which is about 4 weeks old. If
richk hasn't solved the problem, yet, he'll be used to a sidewards
view to the monitor, by now. Maybe he just replaced his computer
chair by couch or adopted a rotated view of the world. - Comparable
to the upside-down glasses experiment performed by George Stratton.


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