Desktop Addtion/Deletion


Gregg Sandlin

I have a windows 2000 network top to bottom. And I recently installed group
policy on my network in Active Directory and moved 17 of my machine users
into the group. the first machine I checked was a fresh install of 2000,
that was being setup for a new station.

After locking it down I checked my desktop to see if the user logon would
allow you to delete any of my desktop content, change its properties or
delete or add any desktop or Active Desktop content. And it would not.

So I then went and set the other desktops icons up the same. Then locked
down the user files again for these machines. This seem to set all the
machines the same. it set my wallpaper with our logo, locked down our home
page and stop the modification of the properties. But after further
investigation these machines will allow you to delete the icons on your
desktop, and a few other things that the other machine will not. I have
checked every setting on both the group policy and file folders I can find
and they all seem to match.

What else will cause some machines to accept some polices but not others.
Again I only have 1 machine that works correctly and it is a fresh load.
But the others have never had group policy or any other settings, other than
some basic folder restrictions set.

If any one has some suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.

Curtis Clay III [MSFT]

Use GPResults to determine if your policy settings are being applied to your
Also insure your machines are within the OU where the policy is linked.

321709 HOW TO: Use the Group Policy Results Tool in Windows 2000

Gregg Sandlin

I tried this but could never get it to work.

However, I reloaded one of my machines to a fresh copy using only the loacl
admin acount. Then tried to re-apply the GPO and it worked perfectly.

Is there something I may have missed, that I can change, other than
reloading 90 something machines.

I also loaded one and went to the domain admin account, before I was done
and it doesn't work

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