Deployment Questions



Have I missed something, or have MS made two changes in ASP.NET 2 which make
it much more difficult to use?

Firstly, compiling a web app. seems to generate, among others, two files
named app_code.dll & app_code.dll. Does this mean one can no longer install
more than one application in the same iis application root (i.e. bin
directory), as you can with .net 1/1.1?

Secondly, the aspx files now seem to require a reference to a dll whose name
is generated at compile time, viz. 'inherits="Find, App_Web_crqjr5ro"'. So -
one can edit and customise the aspx separately from the program code, but if
the program is changed & recompiled, the linkage to the aspx pages gets

This hardly strikes me as progress... can someone please tell me there is a
solution to these issues?


Thanks for that, I came across the deployment project application while
doing more fishing shortly after posting my note. A cynic like me might
suggest it looks like a kludge disguised in some extra functionality to get
round a fairly basic design flaw though... I wonder if the problem will
magically disappear come the next release.

& there was of course a typo. in my first post - one of the 'app_code.dll's
should have been 'App_Code.compiled'.

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