Dependencies in my Setup project



I have created a setup project for my application. Within this setup
project I need to install another .exe file. When I add the .exe file to
the setup program, I get a message "unable to find
dependency 'MICROSOFT.OFFICE.INTEROP.EXCEL'. So I added this interop dll
but it is not adding it to the dependencies but is just adding it to the
setup project. So when I build it still gives me the same error message.
How can I get it to see that this file is a dependency to my .exe file
that I added. If I right click on the .exe file and select dependency,
It shows the interop file as being a dependency. Any help would be


Todd Derksen [MSFT]

Carol, it sounds like you are having trouble building your application not
the setup project. It looks like you need to add a reference to the file
in your application project. Adding the reference to the other project
should take care of your problems, if it does not please respond to this

Todd Derksen
Visual Basic Deployment Test Team
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.



Thanks Todd - The problem is that I only have this .exe and not the
project that it is built in. This exe is not part of my application but
is a seperate file and if I try to include it as a reference to my
project I get an error saying that the referenced file has to be a valid
assembly or com component. So I just added it to the setup program so
that the file gets placed in the correct folder on the target machine.
But that is when I get the dependency error that this exe is associated
with. I tried including those dependencies into my project but it still
gives me the error Unable to find dependency and the interop files it is
looking for. This error only occurs when I do a rebuild of the setup
project. So do I even need to worry about this. I ran the setup and it
did place the exe on the target machine. But does the exe have to get
registered ?
Thanks for your help.

Todd Derksen [MSFT]

Carol, sorry this one slipped past my radar for so long, It sounds like
the exe may not be registered on your development machine (Like ly cause of
"referenced file has to be a valid assembly or com component" error). I
would try registering it on your development machine. If that does not fix
the problem, you probably still have to register it on the target machine
so set the register property of the added file to vsdrfCom.

Todd Derksen

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