dell aio 940 printer


Rick Wolfe

I am having trouble installing the scan program of this all-in-one printer on my Windows Vista. I was redirected here for help but don't seem to be able to find a related topic. Has anyone installed this type of printer on Vista? I recognizes the printer but not the scan aspect.


Have you obtained the vista drivers for your unit from Dell?

Did you then install this unit as per Dell's instructions, which often
require you to install the printer software prior to connecting the unit

I am having trouble installing the scan program of this all-in-one printer
on my Windows Vista. I was redirected here for help but don't seem to be
able to find a related topic. Has anyone installed this type of printer on
Vista? I recognizes the printer but not the scan aspect.

Rick Wolfe

Yes I did install the new drivers. The printer is visible and works but the
scan section is totally missing. The program opens and allows for printing
and copying but there is no button to scan. When this printer was loaded on
XP all options were available not so with Vista.


How old is your printer?
Are you sure that there is software available with Vista to support the Scan


My neighbor has a 950 printer and there is no scanning software app for it
in Vista like there was in XP so he bought a new HP 4-in-1 network printer
that prints twice as fast for $75.


Dell supplies Vista drivers for it

Jim Moriarty said:
I think the message was: your printer/scanner is too old and that
should have been obvious when you couldn't find Vista drivers for it.

Or hadn't you looked?


I assume that Dell would have Vista drivers for the printer but the question
is do they have the driver or application to support the scanner capability
of the unit?

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