Deleting Vista




I really need help.I bought my new laptop and has Vista Home Premium. I have
so many problems with Vista so I would like to delete Vista forever and
install XP on it.
I tried to install XP but it doesn`t work.
Can somebody let me know how can I get rid of Vista and put XP on my laptop
so actually I can enjoy my laptop. Please help, I go mad! Thank you!

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

A better option is to return the laptop and purchase one with Windows
That way support, if necessary is easier from the manufacturer.

Dell, Toshiba and possibly others of the major OEMs continue to sell
laptops with Windows XP.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Retail or OEM, it makes no difference for what the OP wants.
A Clean Install of windows XP as Andre suggests will get rid of
Windows Vista and install Windows XP.


Eniko said:

I really need help.I bought my new laptop and has Vista Home Premium. I
so many problems with Vista so I would like to delete Vista forever and
install XP on it.
I tried to install XP but it doesn`t work.
Can somebody let me know how can I get rid of Vista and put XP on my
so actually I can enjoy my laptop. Please help, I go mad! Thank you!

Its easy.

First backup any partitions used to re-install vista and all of your data or
you will lose them.

Boot from the XP disk.
When it shows the disk partitions delete c:
Now install into the free space made available.

Remember if you don't do the backups you will probably lose everything
including the ability to put vista back on when you change your mind.


Eniko said:

I really need help.I bought my new laptop and has Vista Home Premium.
I have so many problems with Vista so I would like to delete Vista
forever and install XP on it.
I tried to install XP but it doesn`t work.
Can somebody let me know how can I get rid of Vista and put XP on my
laptop so actually I can enjoy my laptop. Please help, I go mad!
Thank you!

Beware, your laptop may not be able to run XP.

The laptop manufacturer may not have created drivers for their hardware that
are compatible with XP.

Ken Blake, MVP

Actually, that is the OEM version. You cannot unistall it

Of course you can! It doesn't matter what operating system is there,
or whether it's OEM or retail. Any operating system can easily be
replaced by a different one, if that's what he wants to do.

If I were in his shoes, I would consider the Vista problems to be his
inexperience with Vista, and understand that learning to use any new
operating system times some time and effort. I wouldn't be so quick to
get rid of it and go to a different operating system. But if that's
his choice, he can certainly do it.

Pete Stavrakoglou

Xenomorph said:
- Pop in XP CD
- Format
- Install

What about that "doesn't work" ?

Probably the need to load SATA drivers in order to install. Same problem I
have. No floppy drive or the drivers. I have the motherboard chipset
drivers but it's an install exe that is installed after XP is installed on a


Pete Stavrakoglou said:
Probably the need to load SATA drivers in order to install. Same problem
I have. No floppy drive or the drivers. I have the motherboard chipset
drivers but it's an install exe that is installed after XP is installed on
a system.
No compatibility mode for the sata controller in the BIOS?
(There has to be for the boot loader to work.)
There is on mine but you have to enable it.

Bruce Chambers

Eniko said:

I really need help.I bought my new laptop and has Vista Home Premium. I have
so many problems with Vista so I would like to delete Vista forever and
install XP on it.
I tried to install XP but it doesn`t work.
Can somebody let me know how can I get rid of Vista and put XP on my laptop
so actually I can enjoy my laptop. Please help, I go mad! Thank you!

It's your computer, so the choice is, ultimately, yours.

However, there could be a couple possible adverse repercussions of
which you should be aware. First and foremost, if the specific computer
model in question was designed specifically for Vista, there may well be
no WinXP-specific device drivers available to make the computer's
diverse components work properly. Consult the computer's manufacturer
about the availability of device drivers. Secondly, removing an
OEM-installed operating system and replacing it with another will almost
invariably void any and all support agreements and, sometimes, even the
warranty. You would, at the very least, have to re-install Vista before
getting any support from the manufacturer. Again, consult the
computer's manufacturer for specifics. Thirdly, there will be the
additional cost involved in purchasing a WinXP license for this new

After backing up any data you wish to transfer to the new OS
installation, simply boot from the WinXP installation CD. You'll be
offered the opportunity to delete, create, and format partitions as part
of the installation process. (You may need to re-arrange the order of
boot devices in the PC's BIOS to boot from the CD.)

HOW TO Install Windows XP;en-us;316941

Then, assuming that the laptop can be made to work with WinXP, the
backed up data can be restored and applications (Those that are
WinXP-compatible, that is) re-installed.


Bruce Chambers

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