Deleting problems with Vista



I'm having trouble deleting files. Whenever I delete a file, Windows Explorer
quites responding, and a window that says, "Calculating time remaining" stays
on the screen. I have to go into Windows Task Manager, to end the program.
Any suggestions?

Tomas J

Maybe if it is a laptop PC.... you can start advanced disk performance in
devicemanager under disk and the harddrive you are deleting files from....
or if your harddrive is fragmanted use diskdefragmanter to organize your
filetable.... or if you have Norton Antivirus or firewalll disable
autoprotect and see what happens....


John Hanley

Is that with all and any of your files, or just some files? If it is just
one or a few types of files, which types?


It is a laptop, and I tried all of those things. None of them work. Norton
was even messing up. When I tried to disable autoprotect, it would just open
windows explorer for some odd reason. I tried uninstalling Norton (I have
another anitvirus, so I don't need Norton on it anymore) but it won't let me
fully uninstall it.

John, it is with all of my files. Also, this problem also happens when I
name/rename a folder or file.

Pamela G

Just FYI, Norton will not totally uninstall with just the uninstall
functions. But there is a small program on the Symantec website that will
finish the uninstall. It is quick to download and run and completes the job.

Can't help with the rest, but perhaps this bit will help.

Hans-Georg Michna

Just FYI, Norton will not totally uninstall with just the uninstall
functions. But there is a small program on the Symantec website that will
finish the uninstall. It is quick to download and run and completes the job.

The thing is very difficult to find, but you can get
instructions on .



This same thing happened to me. I called tech support. He said this was a
virus that caused this problem because if you reboot in safe-mode and try to
move-delete-add a file it doesn't do it. So I would recommend trying to get
rid of the virus (name unknown) or as I did completely re-install Vista.
Mine works good as new and fast now. Good luck!

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