Deleting a Report Before Using TransferDatabase



I am using TransferDatabase to import a report from another database. The
report gets named with a 1 on the end. How can I delete the existing report
first to prevent this from happening ? For tables, I use the following code.
Is there an equivalent method for reports ?

For Each tdef In db.TableDefs
If tdef.Name = "TestTable" Then
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, tdef.Name
Exit For
End If
Next tdef

Jeff Boyce

You are trying to delete a report, and you are calling "TableDefs"? Tables
and reports are two different types of objects.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


I was using the code as an example of how I deleted the table. For the
report I could not locate an equivalent for TableDefs i.e. ReportDefs. Could
I simply type the following:

DoCmd.DeleteObject acReport, "TestReport"


When I tried it initially, it did not seem to delete the report. I tried it
again and it seems to be working. Thank you.

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