Delete Media File



I downloaded a video for use with Windows Media Player
and saved it to the C Drive. Now I want to delete it,
but I can't delete, move, rename or do any other action
with the file. No matter what I try, I get a pop up
saying: "Cannot delete. It is being used by another
person or program" -- but there is no other person or
program. I have restarted several times to ensure no
other programs are running. Suggestions?


Chazz said:
I downloaded a video for use with Windows Media Player
and saved it to the C Drive. Now I want to delete it,
but I can't delete, move, rename or do any other action
with the file. No matter what I try, I get a pop up
saying: "Cannot delete. It is being used by another
person or program" -- but there is no other person or
program. I have restarted several times to ensure no
other programs are running. Suggestions?

One easy solution:

"MoveOnBoot allows you to copy, move or delete files on the next system
boot. This comes in very handy, if you need to replace or delete files
which are locked by other applications, loaded into memory or cannot be
changed until next system boot..."

Bojidar Markov

The trick is to wait for a while.
When you click on the file, Windows locks the file and checks some file
properties, just wait until your HDD led stops blinking (this means the
check is over). On my machine (750Mhz) it takes about 5-6 sec.
The solution of this problem is to remove this annoying check by
copy/pasting the code below and save it in a file named "AVI Freeze
Read the comments starting with ";" for more info.

Here is the code:
; Windows XP explorer movie fix.
; WARNING - Use this file at your own risk.
; Executing this file will remove a registry key which makes explorer load
; Simply put, this removes the annoying "permission denied" errors when
trying to
; move/copy/delete AVI files.
; To use this fix, right-click on the file and select install. Done.
; Information about the registry key from multiple sources.
; Inf-file compiled by Moo (2002-03-22).
; Idea by Duxus. Thanks to the kind people of "[BBB] Sweden #01", you know
who you are! :)

signature="$Windows NT$"

DelReg = Reduce.Reg



Go to Safe mode on startup (F8 key) and remove it(delete
it) then restart windows normally

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