Defrag and Cleanmgr



My Defragmenter and Cleanmgr options do not show in START, ACCESSORIES,
SYSTEM TOOLS. They are just not listed there. I can get to them if I go to
Computer Management, however I should be able to access them through the
Start, Programs process.I have XP, SP2. Anyone have any suggestions how to
get these programs back on the System Tools list?


Did they just disapear on installing SP2,or have they just left tools on
thier own.
Either way,maybe the user account is corupted.To reinstall the programs,try
R.clicking on TOOLS icon,select open.Then on ant open space,point
to new,shortcut,in the location field type:C:WINDOWS\system32\defrag.exe
For cleanmgr substitute defrag for cleanmgr.exe


No, this not disappear on installing SP2. They just left on their own. I did
what you sughgested and all I got was a black window popped up and
immediately flashed off before I could see what it was. Any other
suggestions? Thanks.


Hi Edith,

1. Right-click on the Desktop and select: New>Shortcut

2. As you’re using SP 2, the Shortcut Wizard will appear:
For the location of the item for example Disk Defragmenter type:

3. Again Right-click on the Desktop and select: New>Shortcut
For the location of the item for example Disk Cleanup:

4. To place the shortcuts that you’ve created on the desktop to the folder of your

Right click Start button
Select Explore and/or Explore All Users.
Then open the Programs folder.
Navigate to the Folder you want the shortcuts in and drag them from the desktop to
the folder you have selected.

Hope that all makes sense.

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