defining a consecutive cells criteria


daniel proville

in a range, (column or row) I need to count the cells which are positiv
and adjacent to at least one positive cell. then nest this into a ma
function to find out the maximum number of consecutive occurences of
criteria. I thought about using max & countif, but i dont know how t
define the adjacent cells in the formula.
thnks for yr help


Given the following assumptions:

1. The range begins in B2
2. "Adjacent" means "touching" a cell horizontally, vertically or diagonally
3. Zero is not positive

To count the number of positive cells adjacent to B2 (if B2 is positive),
use the following formula:


To find the count of the number of positive cells that are adjacent to a
positive cell, use this array formula:


If you'd like to find the max number of positive cells adjacent to any
positive cell in the range B2:F6, use the following array formula:


(Remember that you'll need to enter the array formulas with Ctrl-Shift-Enter
instead of just hitting Enter.)


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