Define Relative Folder path in Web.Config


Harshdeep Mehta

Hi all gurus,

Myself Harshdeep Mehta, you can call me Harsh.

I struck up in a situation where I need to define relative path in
Web.Config. I.e. suppose I have a "Export" named folder, besides Web.Config
in same location or somewhere in reference to web.config. Then how to define

I know one easy solution but need better than that. the easy solution is
define folder path in web.config and use Server.mappath in code, but I need
some stuff which gives me path direct from web.config, w/o using

Helping hand will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

Have good time with code,
Harshdeep Mehta

Kevin Spencer

The Server.MapPath() method has nothing to do with web.config. It returns a
file path based upon a URL passed to it, regardless of what is in the
web.config file. The web.config file is a text/xml document. You can't
calculate a path in it. You can define one as a hard-coded string. That's
your solution.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Harshdeep Mehta

Hi Kevin,

Thanks to invest your valuable time and effort, but can u give me a link
which mentions your view.


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