Defender Error Messages



Through Event Viewer, I can read information Defender has determined
something harmful has "attacked" my system. However, there are no details to
tell me what the information means or were the data came from. When I click
on the link provided, Help and Support Center is activiated. The information
reads "Microsoft has no further information at this time."

Frustrated? You bet. A Scan ID is referenced. Where can I read that scan

Maybe I shouldn't even be reviewing Event Viewer for Defender items; if that
is the case, why is the "warning" there?

Thank you.


Sorry, I forgot to add, please check the History, maybe they been aloud to run.

Good luck


I take your point. I get the distinct feeling the info provided is more for
the benifit of MS rather than the user - particularly as the option to send
to MS is offered when you select the link. The clue (I think) lies with the
Severity and Classification items which usually say `Not yet classified`.
Whether this will change only time will tell I guess. It does beg the
questions. When will this happen and will the information ever be classified?



Thank you for the suggestion to check my history. Found that my Quicken
On-Line Backup was quarantined twice. I actually keep this program closed
except when sending new data for backup. Have instructed Defender not to
scan the program in the future.

Thank you again.


Thank you, Stu. It's nice to know someone understands me!

It would appear we, as mere users, are not expected to understand all we see.
(LOL, I think).


You are welcome and I understand you perfectly. I have often wondered about
those enties myself and if they will ever be made available. Here`s hoping ;)


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