DefaultFocus Does not Work in IE?



I've just upgraded a project to ASP.NET 3.5 and VS2008 from .NET 1.1.
All is going well. I noticed a great new attribute on the <form> tag
called DefaultFocus. I gave it a try. When I load up my page in IE,
nothing is different. However, in FireFox, my txtUsername is given
focus. Any reason why this isn't working in IE7? I've read some people
saying it is a problem in WebForm_AutoFocus, any ideas/suggestions?



Suppose I don't want to show the data in a GridView. In stead I would like
to depending on the data return create output in the following format.

<li><a href="">File Name 1</a></li>
<li><a href="">File Name 2</a></li>
<li><a href="">File Name 3</a></li>

The selected from a table in a data base using a SqlDataSource. | File Name 1 | File Name 2 | File Name 3

Navigating in the GridView doesn't seam that difficult but how do I write to
the actual document that is the putput page. Similar to printf(",,,,"); in

To change the GridViews behaviour using Java script and OnClicks etc seamt
much more difficult.



Indeed. No effect. Both work just fine in FireFox, however. Strange
that MS built the JavaScript in such a way that it works better in
FireFox than in IE... anyone else experiencing this issue?

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