Deep copy of ArrayList



Hi there

I have an ArrayList, and I'd wish to make a deep copy. So what I want to end up with is a new collection with the elements being a deep copy of the elements in the copied list

Can I use MemberWiseClone to do that

ArrayList a = new ArrayList()
// ... fill i
ArrayList b = a.MemberWiseClone()

Will be have elements that are clones of the elements in a? If not, how can I achieve this

Tom Tempelaere


Hi TT,
Hi there,

I have an ArrayList, and I'd wish to make a deep copy. So what I want to end up with is a new collection with the elements being a deep copy of the elements in the copied list.

Can I use MemberWiseClone to do that?

ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
// ... fill it
ArrayList b = a.MemberWiseClone();

You can not use this line because *MemberwiseClone* method is
Will be have elements that are clones of the elements in a? If not, how can I achieve this?

If your ArrayList contains your classes then i can recomend
You to implement IClonable interfaces to your classes.
So You will have to implement your *Clone* methods that provide
*deep copy*.

I'm affraid You can not provide *deep copy* functionality for existent
classes without inheriting them. So *ArrayList* will does not make
its *deep copy* and you've got to do it in your code.



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