

Aamir Mahmood

why do you want to decrypt it? have you forgotten it :)

if you just want to check the incoming password then just encrypt that too,
and compare the two encrypted versions.



MD5 is a hashing algorighm. This is a one-way encrypt. You cannot decrypt
this password. Only thing you can do is use the same hashing function you
used to hash the password the first time..then compare it to the hashed
password to the one stored in the database. This article explains this in
the Limitations of Storing Encrypted Passwords in the Database section

Jeff Louie

Vishal... I think you must have misunderstood the purpose of the MD5
algorithm. It is designed to create a "message digest". This allows you
verify a password without actually storing the password on the server.
such, it is a one way algorithm, designed to make it difficult to
compute the
original password from the message digest. For example, a crude method
would be to XOR all of the bytes in a password and store the result on
server creating a crude message digest.

I used this article
1.2.aspx) to encrypt my password. Now I need to decrypt
the password again to a string. Is that possible, if so


Thanks to all for the reply. Yes I somehow misunderstood
the MD5 algorithms. I overread that it is a one way
encryption. Can anybody tell me which encryption is used
for two-way? So that I can encrypt/decrypt the passwords?


Jeff Louie

Vishal... RC4 and DES are examples of two way algorithms. The .NET
cryptograhpy API has two way algorithms, but it is _not_ recommended
that you store the encrypted passwords on the server. If someone
compromises the server they can decrypt them. If you only store
hashcodes on the server, it will be difficult to recreate the password
table. In fact, don't just hash the passwords, but combine the password
with a random "salt" --> hash the result and store the hash and random
salt on the server. To verify the user's credentials, take the users
input, add it to the stored random salt --> hash the result and compare
it to the stored hash.

Can anybody tell me which encryption is used
for two-way? So that I can encrypt/decrypt the passwords?<

Ben Amada


I understand that decrypting passwords is important -- you might have a user
who lost their password and needs to be reminded what their password is --
among other scenarios where decryption is necessary. Have a look at this
example (VB.NET example starts in the middle of the page):

How To: Encrypt and Decrypt Data Using a Symmetric (Rijndael) Key

Good Luck,

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