decode base64 encoded login info


Mr. T


i'm developing an application where i want to use the login auth application
provided by our organisation. However i'm a bit stuck on processing the auth
string i get back.

The way it works is as follows: people go to a general login form, where
they type in their username and password. they hit login and the login
authentication app looks if the login is ok.

If the result is okay the user gets redirected back to my application, but
in the querystring a base64 encoded key is passed along containing some
info, i.e. the user name. We have the public key to be able to decode the
returned string.

Now i'm wondering how to i can decode this key in an easy way in VB ASP.Net?

Any suggestions?

Thx in advance!


Thomas L.


Conversion to/from base64 is available from the Convert class...

Try the System.Cryptography namespace to find out if you find the algorithm
used for encryption...

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