Debugging works only sometimes...


Jeffrey Frabutt

Hey... I'm reletively new to ASP.NET and am having some frustrating
debugging issues. Everything is configured correctly for me to debug
my VERY simple one-page application. That said, after just one or two
start/debug/stop cylces of my project, it suddenly hangs... and I
cannont debug. Sometimes I can fix it by stopping and restarting IIS,
killing any and all aspnet_wp.exe processes....sometimes I have to
reboot my computer. I'm running everything on my local computer (IIS,
SQLServer). This is getting very frustrating.. anyone have any ideas?
One thing I thought my be contributing to my problem is how I stop the
application... should I close the browser window before I stop the the
project... or just hit the stop debugging button?

Thanks in advance for any help!!!


Chris Hayes

Hi Jef,

How simple is you one page application?

Could you post the code here?

Some questions from my experiences are:
Are you doing any looping? or iterating through any collections?
If you are, make sure you're advancing to the next object (in the past I
used to try and iterate through recordsets without the .MoveNext... DOH!!!)

In a perfect world, you should be able to just hit the "stop debugging
button" and end your debugging session.

I'll try to help you as best I can...


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