Debugging through the code is disabled??



I'm unable to Break into code when I place a breakpoint on some line of the
The code is getting executed directly without stopping at the breakpoint I
I created a new form and put the break point on this form's code, even then
it is not working.
I created a new dummy database and put a break point, it is working fine.So
the problem lies with the database.

How do I rectify this problem as I need to create few more forms in this
Do I need to change some settings?


Anand said:
I'm unable to Break into code when I place a breakpoint on some line of the
The code is getting executed directly without stopping at the breakpoint I
I created a new form and put the break point on this form's code, even then
it is not working.
I created a new dummy database and put a break point, it is working fine.So
the problem lies with the database.

How do I rectify this problem as I need to create few more forms in this
Do I need to change some settings?

Yes, you probably need to change some settings. I'm guessing you've
played with the startup options? In particular the Use Access Special
Keys from Tools | Startup? When unchecking that setting, I think also
the AllowBreakIntoCode property is also set to false in some versions.

Try checking the special key thingie, close and reopen, or if necessary
do something along the lines of the following air code

with currentdb
.Properties("AllowSpecialKeys") = true
.Properties("AllowBreakIntoCode") = true
end with

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