Debugging DLLs


C Glenn

I've done this, but now I'm doing something wrong and I can't figure out
what it is!

Every time I edit and compile the component that I'm creating, I copy
the DLL into C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
2003\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies. But each time I attempt to set a
breakpoint in the source code (which is a part of my Solution) I'm told
that no symbols were loaded from the current document.

Any ideas on this? There must be a check list of things that one must
do to enter DLL debug heaven and this time I'm just forgetting one of them.

Tasos Vogiatzoglou

If by Dll you mean class library assembly, just attach the debugger to
the process of the application that uses your assembly. If it's a COM+
attach to dllhost and if it's a ASP.NET attach to aspnet_wp.exe.

Keep in mind about version differences.

C Glenn

Keep in mind about version differences.

This is where I'm having trouble. I remember it now, although vaguely.

Whenever I make a change to the control's code, I rebuild the project,
then copy the DLL into the appropriate folder, but there's something
else having to do with version control that I'm forgetting. I have no
problem debugging through the application itself -- it simply chokes
when I place a breakpoint within the new components code.

Can you help me out here by talking me through the steps that you go

Tasos Vogiatzoglou

You have to copy the pdb file which contains the debugging symbols of
the component, to a location that can be reached by your application
(e.g. in the same directory with your dll).

This should suffice.

C Glenn

Thank you so much. This will certainly make my life a lot easier in the
next few days.


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