DDE Commands



Where does one get a list of DDE commands for Excel?

I am in need to Add a Worksheet, Change the names of Worksheets, and change
the color of Cells via DDE.

Can anyone provide me with the need information or provide me with a link.

Thanks In advance.


I don't know of any DDE-Command list but from what i have read, the excel
dde commands match closely the Excel 4.0 Macro language.
- To get the help-file for the Excel 4 macro language , search Microsoft
Dowloads for the Macrofun.exe file
- build a macro similar to:

Sub testDDE()
Dim channel As String

channel = DDEInitiate("Excel", "System")

Application.DDEExecute channel, "[open(""c:\mybook.xls"",,FALSE)]"
Application.DDEExecute channel, "[workbook.insert(1)]"
Application.DDEExecute channel, "SELECT(!$A$1:$D$10, !$A$1)"

Application.DDETerminate channel
End Sub

I hope this helps a bit.

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