Dcount Criteria



Any idea why these two dcounts return different values?

Dcount("*", "tblWR", "Created >= #4/29/2006#") (This returns the correct
Dcount("*", "tblWR", "Created >= " & dtmRequestLimitDate) (This returns a
count of all records)

dtmRequestLimitDate is a public date variable that is set to Date(). It
shows the correct value when the code is run. I have a feeling there is
something about the syntax using a variable that I'm not seeing.


Douglas J. Steele

Just as you surrounded your date with # delimiters (and had it in mm/dd/yyyy
format), so too must you do that with the value you're passing from your

Dcount("*", "tblWR", "Created >= " & Format(dtmRequestLimitDate,


Perfect. Thanks.

Douglas J. Steele said:
Just as you surrounded your date with # delimiters (and had it in mm/dd/yyyy
format), so too must you do that with the value you're passing from your

Dcount("*", "tblWR", "Created >= " & Format(dtmRequestLimitDate,

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